Trini Mom Vlog

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Monday 29 April 2013

Fire Bun Dem!? Try not to bun dem too much Anthony B

anthony b

Well if you haven't guessed by now, Anthony B is back and his fire is hotter than ever, he's just a little overcooked for some people, at least some politicians and fans seem to think so.

The reggae veteran drop a new single entitled “Burn Iniquity” where he burns The government, The queen, The Pope and other for "WRONGDOINGS".

Anthony pissed off some Jamaican politicians, so much so that they're already calling for the single to be banned.

The song has been getting mixed reactions from reggae fans. But Anthony B ( Real name Keith Blair ) is a rasta to his heart and he refused to be silenced. Here's what he had to say about the potential censoring of his music:

“If they want to ban it, fine. I want to maintain the integrity of my music. This message needs to get out. Now is not the time to water down the message. The people ah face terrible levels of poverty, rising crime, terrible inflation. The gunman dem a kill cops; people a suffer. We affi mek the fire bun Babylon, burn out all iniquity. I know that there are many who support that message and will play the song. My fire is a metaphorical fire to purge the demons out of our society, and mi nah water down the message just to get airplay.”

“We have to play our role in revitalising reggae as a potent medium for social agitation. It remains one of the few forms of expression through which one can protest against injustice, inequities, and evil. So dem a try mek Bun Iniquity into a next Fire Pon Rome, but mi ready fi dem because the truth must be told. A it alone can set us free as a nation.”

“Until even the poorest of us has access to the same rights to health, shelter, clothing, food, and education, then there will be no peace. Why can't Jamaica provide a better standard of living for its people after so many years of Independence? Why so many guns coming into the country? Why the media a bombard us with images of bleaching and violence, and barbarism? Why ban a song that protests against iniquities and immorality?”

“I will not be silenced. The message is the only reason we do reggae music.”

Isn't that some freedom of speech!

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