Trini Mom Vlog

Trini Mom Vlog
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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Lil' Kim being sued for $15 Mil!

Her former business manager Andrew Ro, is suing the (former) Queen B for about $15 million.
"Wondering what she did huh?"
According to TMZ Kim signed a licensing deal with Andrew Ro's company, International Rock Star Corp, back in August 2012 and planned to roll out a heap load of products, including a perfume line, clothing line, vodka, energy drink, Steve Madden shoe line and even a honey maker.
Apparently Kim had some DIVA issues as he mentioned in the lawsuit, that she was fussy and wouldn't make appearances to meetings when necessary and refused to promote products, like her own perfume.
After Kim cut contact, Ro says she sent him a cease and desist letter regarding future projects. Lil Kim even filed a lawsuit claiming the IRS tricked her into a bad licensing deal.
Now Andrew says her antics cost him and his company $15 million and he wants it back. "Talk about a bad sport"

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