Trini Mom Vlog

Trini Mom Vlog
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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Rihanna BOOOOOOOOOED during her own concert.


Its not the first time the Bajan star had been booed at a concert though.

The singer received a similar welcome in Trinidad a couple years ago when she had just started her career, Rihanna was still a rookie and fresh to the game, but the Trini crowd wasn't as understanding. Trinidad is known for having a "tough crowd" this is further evident in the flopped Tommy Lee concert held last March.

Back to the initial story. Some may say she had it coming but others think it was uncalled for, but the fact still remains that Ri Ri got Booed for arriving late at a back dated concert in Boston. Keep in mind her on-again-off-again boyfriend Chris Brown publicly announced their split. "Ri Ri must be real bad lucky this week."

According to reports, Rihanna turned up an hour and a half late for her rescheduled Diamonds World Tour gig at the TD Garden in Boston and by then the crowd has grown angry at her.

In addition to Rihanna being late for the gig, her opening act A$AP Rocky could not perform because of illness. Several fights also broke out in the venue before the show started.

After RiRi finally took the stage, there were echoes of loud boos throughout the venue.

“The crowd responded the best they could: with a round of boos,” reported. “Even when the house lights went down, the cheers and jeers rose up in unison. That’s not how you want to begin your rescheduled concert.”

It's being reported that Rihanna was late because she was watching the Brooklyn Nets vs Chicago Bulls game on Monday night.

Hopefully she learns from this you agree Ri Ri? See her response below :p


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