Trini Mom Vlog

Trini Mom Vlog
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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Beyonce is pregnant with her second child!? Say What??

Well with a wife as sexy as "Bey", one would think Jay Z would have her popping out babies every year but that's not the case. It would appear though that this may just be another rumor, after pictures surfaced of her after a performance from her World Tour.

It would appear that the star is showing a small 'baby bump' but on the other hand she could have just had a healthy dinner. Who knows for sure?

Yesterday Beyonce told GMA that her 1-year-old daughter Blue Ivy Carter needs some company.

“I would like more children,” Beyonce said. “I think my daughter needs company. I definitely love being a big sister and at some point when it’s supposed to happen. My biggest job in the world is to protect my daughter and I am very protective.”

Do you think the Diva is pregnant or not? Guess that remains to be seen, but rest assured we'll have that story for you if it ever re-emerges. In the mean time, '' Keep Calm & Bow Down "

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