Trini Mom Vlog

Trini Mom Vlog
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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Roman seeks revenge after upsetting a Hollywood journalist.

Seems like Nicki Minaj could be turning into the modern day Naomi Campbell.
“Access Hollywood” correspondent Laura Saltman was on the “Idol” red carpet interviewing contestants and judges on American Idol, when she chose the "wrong time" to approach Nicki with the wrong question. "Oh Oh"
The reporter dared to ask Nicki about her recent Twitter exchange with Mariah Carey, but Nicki wasn't having it and quickly snapped.
Nicki said: “That question didn't even make sense. So you want me to insinuate what you’re talking about. I’m not going to.” Before Laura could even get out a follow-up question Nicki rolled her eyes and quipped, “Okay, goodnight,” and walked away.
Laura "ain't had no time for that" and went to the “Access Hollywood” blog, calling Nicki “a mean girl, a cyber-bully who is just perpetuating the problems of social media.”
The reporter even questioning the Young Money star’s relevance on the show, versus that of her adversarial, Mariah. The entire blog post reads:
“In my 20 years in entertainment news, I have interviewed close to 5,000 celebrities – people who have bigger bragging rights than Nicki. Men and women who have Oscars, Grammys and Emmys. Yet by far she is the most ungracious of anyone I have met,” she wrote, complaining about Nicki’s handlers and other members of her camp, as well.
“Each week, she comes backstage for interviews and we are told ‘two questions only’ while her people hover over you and even, at times, have their hand on your arm as you end your interview to make you stop. Waiver from the two-question rule and Nicki herself will walk away. She makes zero eye contact and has no connection to whomever is interviewing her. If she likes your question, she may give you a proper answer. If she doesn't, she may give you a dirty look and walk off.”
But in true Trini fashion Nicki wasn't letting that slide so easy, check out her tweets dated May 3rd which were targeted directly to the unfortunate reporter

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